Heating pad: I use this to keep towels warm and to warm up my weighing sling for baby. Who doesn't like having a fresh, warm towel?!
Umbilical scissors and cord ties: I carry sterilized umbilical scissors for cutting the cord and sterilized cord ties. I crochet the ties. I like using them because they are soft and less likely to rub on baby's stomach than the plastic clamps used by hospitals.
Ambubag: This is a self inflating bag and mask I can use it if baby needs extra help to start breathing.
Newborn stethoscope: I use this to check how well baby's lungs are clearing, and also to count respirations and heart rate.
Scale and weighing sling: I weigh baby as part of the newborn exam I do after birth.
Measuring mat: As part of the newborn exam, I measure baby's length, head, chest and abdominal circumference. I tried using paper measuring tapes but repositioning baby for each measurement, not to mention the fact that I routinely tore the tapes made my decision to use a measuring mat instead a very easy one.
My most important tools: My most important tools for baby at birth are observation and intuition. I observe what is normal and watch to ensure that things stay within normal during birth. Intuition plays a huge part in birth, both Mom's intuition and mine. It is amazing to me when my intuition lets me tune into the "dance" of birth between baby and Mom. Intuition helps me prepare for the uniqueness of each birth situation and helps me to support the birth process for both Mom and baby.