My personal favorite tip is:
Ignore labor as long as you possibly can!
That's it, that's my favorite tip!
In order to finish labor strong, you need to have something in reserve to pull from. I want clients to still have something in the tank as they start recovery and postpartum. If labor starts and it is your normal bedtime, go to bed. If labor has started and it's the time you normally go for a walk, then go for a walk. If you are in labor and you have a lunch get together scheduled, go to lunch.
I anticipate that labor for a first baby will take 24 hours, and I anticipate 8-12 hours for susbsequent babies. Everyone wants a short labor, but short labors are the exception. How long labor will last is always unknown until it is finished so I think preparing for a long labor is wise. The best thing a Mom can do when labor starts is ignore it. Yes it's exciting to know that labor is finally happening and that you will meet your baby, however saving your energy and attention will pay off big when you are running on more than adrenaline after birth.
If your labor starts, and you are timing every single contraction. If labor is happening and you stay up through the night trying to make it progress. If labor is going and you put your life on hold. If labor is progressing and you don't make space to rest. You will be exhausted by the time it is over. When you give labor all your attention before you can't ignore it, you most likely won't have anything in reserve when you need it. Ignoring labor as long as you possibly can takes less of your energy, and sets you up to finish strong.