Why does it seem to so many that it's acceptable to comment on a stranger's pregnancy. Comments like "You look ready to burst", or "I hope your water doesn't break while you are shopping" are often shared when someone sees a pregnant mother. It's sad that people just can't keep their comments to themselves.
A large proportion of society seems to have the tact to restrain comments on someone's appearance while with them in person (social media is another matter) unless it's a pregnant mother. We don't walk up to strangers and tell them how to take care of themselves unless it's a pregnant mother. We don't tell siblings that their lives are never going to be the same, that they will have to grow up unless they are with a pregnant mother. We keep our comments to ourselves unless it's about a pregnant mother.
We need to stop making comments, expecting we can pat bellies, and giving unsolicited advice. What if we kept our mouths shut and didn't share unless asked? What if we shared a smile with the pregnant mother and went on with our day knowing we made her life easier by smiling instead of assuming we have something to say she wants to hear?