Take advantage of it! Prodromal labor is a great chance to practice:
- relaxing through a contraction
- ignoring contractions
- coping techniques so you can learn which ones might be the most helpful
- going about your day while your uterus does its thing
- eating and drinking during labor
- the mindset you will need for labor
Things to know about prodromal labor
- you can't force prodromal labor to become active labor
- it lets the uterus practice and strengthen for active labor
- it can help the cervix to move into an anterior or more forward position
- it can help the cervix to efface or thin
- it doesn't tell us when labor will start or when baby will be born
- it might help baby settle into a good position for birth
While it can be frustrating to have contractions that hang around for hours without turning into labor, it's not wasted work. It's a sign that the body is preparing for labor. It's one step closer to meeting your baby and that is a good thing.